Listing the archive

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  This routine is the heart of the script, without it the handler wouldn't 
work very well at all. 
  What it does is create a list of the archive contents using the list 
command of the various archivers, a separate program called ArcDirList then 
reformats this output into something a bit easier and quicker for the script 
to understand. 
  The script works from this list when you change directories, when you add 
or delete files from the archive a new list has to be generated to keep the 
lister display up to date. 
  2  lister set handle busy on 
  3  lister clear handle 
  4  lister set handle title getcatstr(1,'Listing archive...') 
  5  lister set handle path arcfile'/'arcsubdir 
  6  lister refresh handle full 
  8  if ~exists(arcfile) then do 
  9    call displayerror(getcatstr(22,'Error: archive not found')) 
 10    return 
 11    end 
 13  if ~exists('T:ArcDir.list'handle) then do 
 14    select 
 15      when arctype = 'LHA' then 
 16        address command 'LhA >T:ArcDir.list'handle 'vv -N -X -Qw -Qo "'arcfile'"' 
 17      when arctype = 'LZX' then 
 18        address command 'LZX >T:ArcDir.list'handle 'v -X0 --' lzxkludge(patch(arcfile,0)) 
 19      end 
 20    if rc > 0 then 
 21      call displayerror(getcatstr(2,'Error while listing archive.')) 
 22    end 
 24  oldcurrent = pragma('d') 
 25  call pragma('d','DOpus5:C') 
 26  address command 'ArcDirList >T:ArcDir.list'handle'@ T:ArcDir.list'handle '"'patchstar(arcsubdir)'"' 
 27  call pragma('d',oldcurrent) 
 29  if ~open('tempfile','T:ArcDir.list'handle'@','r') then do 
 30    call displayerror(getcatstr(24,'ArcDirList not found!')) 
 31    return 
 32    end 
 33  thisline = readln('tempfile') 
 34  do while thisline ~= '' 
 35    lister add handle thisline 
 36    thisline = readln('tempfile') 
 37    end 
 38  call close('tempfile') 
 39  call delete('T:ArcDir.list'handle'@') 
 41  cuthere = lastpos('/',arcfile) 
 42  if cuthere = 0 then 
 43    cuthere = lastpos(':',arcfile) 
 44  arcname = substr(arcfile,cuthere + 1) 
 45  lister set handle title 'ArcDir:' arcname 
 46  lister refresh handle full 
 47  return 
 1      Sub-routine label. 
 2 - 6  Set the state of the lister to busy, clear the lister display, change 
        the titlebar to say 'Listing archive...', set the path gadget to the 
        path within the archive and refresh the lister display so we see all 
        these changes. 
 8 - 11 Check to see if the archive exists, if it doesn't return a nasty 
        message translating through  getcatstr  if necessary. 
13 - 19 If an archive contents list doesn't currently exist, we use the 
        appropriate archiver to generate another one. 
20 - 22 If there was an error listing the archive, tell the user. 
24 - 27 Get the current directory, change directory to DOpus5:C so we can run 
        ArcDirList to format the output from the archivers in lines 13-19. 
        Then change back to the directory we were originally in. 
29 - 32 We try to open the reformatted archive contents list, if we can't we 
        display an error message and return. 
33 - 37 We read a line of the file then enter a DO loop until there is 
        nothing more to be read from the file.  We add the line we read 
        initially to the lister display, then read another, add it, read 
        another, and so on until all entries have been read and added. 
38 - 39 Close the file and delete the temporary file. 
41 - 45 Here we look for a '/' or a ':' in the arcfile variable, when we find 
        it we set arcname to everything to the left of it and then set the 
        titlebar to 'ArcDir:' plus the archive name. 
46      Refresh the lister display so we see all the entries and titlebar 
47      Return to the calling function. 

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